Sunday, November 9, 2008

Easy like Sunday morning

Ever since Jesse has been able to get up onto the kitchen counter, he has a new spot to hang out - the kitchen windowsill. There is even a spider plant on there for him to nibble on if us humans have not been stupid enough to leave anything edible out on the side. His favourites include knife used to butter bread.


Puglette said...

What a cute picture! I had a cat that would eat bread if I left it out on the counter. I still hide the bread!

Liss said...

What a nice view

Mickey's Musings said...

hahahahahaha!!! Jesse really is a bandit!!! Yup, the plant needs new home ;) Butter knife...Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!
Cats help you keep your house clean!! Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey