Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas- Eve- questions!

This was over on Poopsie's "My True Colours" Blog x
There were 22 questions, but I know how rubbish I am at completing these memes fully, so we're just going to see how many I manage!

1. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
I like Gremlins (1984), and more recently Jack Frost (1996).
I had a Gremlins videogame on the Spectrum when I was a kid- I was rubbish at it - probably too young to understand what I was supposed to do, and always got ate by them!
Pretty scary huh?

I like Jack Frost because it's a ridiculous premise, and I think I first watched it over Christmas with my sister when we were both really bored & suffering from complete Christmas lethargy.

(2) What is your favorite Christmas drink?
I treat myself to a bottle of Baileys, (Jerry has port), and like Poopsie also enjoy Bucks Fizz on Christmas Day.
*Still needs to buy the Champagne for it
TOP TIP: you need to use Smooth orange juice, otherwise the bubbles make all the 'juicy bits' rise to the top
Cheers everyone!

(3) What do you LOVE about the holidays?
Time off work, people being a bit more relaxed in work before holidays, spending time with loved ones, an excuse to eat & drink ... oh, and maybe presents :>

(4) What annoys you about the holidays?
Shopping online for gifts that then get delivered when no-one is home!

(5) Do you prefer star or angel on top of a Christmas tree? Or something else?
We actually have an owl on the top of our tree!

(6) What is your family favorite recipe at Christmas?
We don't have any family recipes, but I do enjoy making my own Christmas puddings & mincemeat. These are made from a combination of Delia Smith & Nigella Lawson recipes. Infact I may even make some mincemeat/ mince pies today (waiting in for a delivery). We got the pastry & bits and bobs from the supermarket yesterday :> Jerry loves mince pies!
(7) Christmas cards - do you send them, yes or no?
I like to send them in the post to special people- my sis. I've not given any out in work for a long time... This year we received a card & a lovely surprise of presents off relatives in Hong Kong- including gifts for the pets! These might even be the most exciting ones to open, as I've got no idea what might be in there (although Jerry's might well be fancy Chinese tea)

(8) What is the best thing about Christmas, in your opinion?
Getting to spend a few days off work in the middle of winter huddled up with the ones you love, hopefully with plenty of nice things to eat & drink!

(9) What is the worst thing about Christmas?
Worrying over silly things like presents.

(10) When do you put the tree up and take it down?
This year we put up the tree, as per Jerry, 12 days before Christmas... far too early when you have a cat like Jesse James, who just Loves to chase around the baubles... never again. We also never got around to buying any lights for it, oh well (eco friendly!) It's supposed to remain up until 5th January ??!? um, we'll have to see about that

(11) Out of the 12 days of Christmas, which day and item would you want your truelove to give to you?
LOL, good question!
I think I'll go for the three French hens, as it would be nice to have fresh eggs!

(12) What is your favorite smell at Christmastime?
I like warm spicy smells, like mulled wine or mincepies baking. Or maybe new perfume? Last year Jerry got me this beautiful perfume- the bottle is so pretty I have it in the front room!

(13) What would make you happy at Christmas this year?
Jerry having more days off, ditto my sister so that she could come for a holiday. Seeing the Homers. Winning the Lotto rollover- £7 million :>


Poopsie aka Blue said...

Was delighted when I came over to wish you all a Merry Christmas to find this bonus.

Have a wonderful family pup time.
Blue aka Poopsie

Too Cute Pugs said...

We like your list! Mom loves your owl at the top of your tree. We have a baby Christmas tree that has owls all over. Owls rock!

Merry Christmas!
Pearl & Daisy